Hey everyone, my name is Josh and as long as I can remember, I’ve been obsessed with crystals. I grew up around Moab Utah with a geologist father who has an unparalleled obsession with rocks. I learned a strong appreciation for mineral specimens, fossils and especially, crystals at an early age. I would bring him countless “leverites”, wondering if I had found treasure, or round rocks that might have geodes inside, always begging him to crack them open.

Over the years my fascination grew and I started gathering my own collection which soon turned into an unimaginable size, almost to the point of ridiculousness. I knew I had a problem when i would spot them from a distance, driving past roadside vendors or craft fairs and automatically turn into the parking lot, or spend countless hours scrolling local marketplace ads and setting alerts for trigger words like quartz and amethyst, so if any ads popped up within 80 miles I would be notified. I’ve driven thousands of miles, traded  everything from ammo to car parts, and spent tens of thousands of dollars on….. rocks. 

As the rocks began to take up every empty space in the house, and I found myself rearranging furniture to fit more rocks, I realized something had to be done… I had to find a way to turn my passion into a business. I hit the workshop running and spent countless hours welding and grinding, polishing, sanding…. I utilize my background in carpentry, metal fabrication and my fascination with sacred geometry to create a blend of artistic concepts in my pieces. I began making LED lighted displays to enhance the beauty of specimens, and finding new and unique ways to display odd shaped pieces by carving out unique wood or fabricating metal bases with wild patina. The response was so positive, I started to invest in some specialty equipment and high end inventory and thus, PetraLuxx was born. Now I’m proud to offer my custom and one of a kind creations to the world via the power of the internet. Welcome to PetraLuxx!   

                                                 -Josh Robinson